
Nexum [Esomeprazole]

Posted by Blog Tuesday, February 8, 2011

20mg, 40mg & IV
A Powerful!_
Evolution in r PPIs
Esomeprazole reduced nighttime heartburn and GERD-related sleep disturbances and improved sleep quality and work productivity1
High Dose Nexurri I.V.-Effectively Prevent Re-Bleeding After Initial Endoscopic Haemostasis2

Reason for use of I.V. acid suppression
  1. Upper Gl bleeding  
  2. Duodenal or gastric ulcer
  3. GERD, gastritis 
  4. NSAIDs induced Gastropathies
  5. Stress ulcer prophylaxis     
  6. Acid aspiration prophylaxis 
  7. Acute pancreatitis 
  8. Zolllnger-Ellison syndrome
  9.  Nexum  I.V. reduced recurrent 
  10. bleeding at 72 hours  
  11. 50% reduction in the rate of major
  12. clinical events
  13. Sustained clinical benefit  for up to 30 days
Effect of Esomeprazole 40mg vs omeprazole 40mg on intragastric pH3
Better Acid Control and Longer maintenance of intragastric pH4

"Esomeprazole 20mg provided greater acid control and maintained intragastric pH >4 for a longer period of time than lansoprazole 15mg, rabeprazole lOmg and pantoprazole 20mg

At both standard and maintenance doses, Esomeprazole provides more effective acid control than other proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)* **
Recommended Adult Dosage Schedule
Indication: Gastroesophageal reflux disease healing of erosive esophagitis NSAIDs induced gastropathies
Dose: Nexum 40mg
Frequency: Once daily for 4 to 8 weeks (an additional 4-8 weeks treatmentmay be considered if symptoms persist or esophagitis does not heal)

Indication: NSAIDs include gastropathies 
Dose: Nexum 40 mg or 20 mg
Frequency: Once Daily

Indication: H. Pylori eradication to reduce the risk of duodenal ulcer recurrence 
Esomeprazole (Nexum) - Dose: Nexum 40 mg - Once daily for 10 days
Amoxicillin - Dose: 1000 mg - Once daily for 10 days
Clarithromycin (CLARITEK") Dose: 500 mg - Once daily for 10 days

Indication: Symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease without esophagitis
Maintenance of healing erosive esophagitis
Dose: Nexum 20 mg
Frequency: Once daily for 4 weeks (an additional 4-8 weeks treatment may be considered if symptoms do not resolve completely)

Indication: Maintenance of healing erosive esophagitis
Dose: 20 mg
Frequency: Once Daily


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