
Toxicity of Vitamin E

Posted by Blog Friday, March 4, 2011

Vitamin E is not toxic, but, in very large doses, it may impair blood clotting. The tolerable upper intake level (UL) for natural alpha-tocopherol is 1000 mg per day, about sixty-six times the RDA. The UL for synthetic alpha-tocopherol is also 1000 mg per day.

 This upper level is conservative, as few side effects have been noted below 3000 IU (2000 mg). For optimal health and disease resistance, 400 to 800 IU of natural vitamin E is often taken. It is recommended that supplementation of vitamin E over 400 IU be increased gradually so that the body can get used to the blood-thinning effects, especially in cases of high blood pressure.

Some surgeons recommend the discontinuation of vitamin E supplementation before surgery to decrease any risk of excess bleeding. Premature infants are very sensitive to alpha-tocopherol supplements. The UL for infants under one year has not been established, so supplementation of vitamin E in infants should only be attempted under the close supervision of a pediatrician.

People taking anticoagulant drugs should not take vitamin E supplements. People deficient in vitamin K should also avoid vitamin E supplementation to avoid the possibility of excess bleeding. To summarize, as the principal fat-soluble antioxidant, vitamin E is needed by every cell and artery. Special care must be taken to obtain enough vitamin E from food.

More about E-Vitamin:

Vitamin E

Antioxidant Activity

Cholesterol and Vitamin E

Vitamin E and Blood Circulation

Food Sources of Vitamin E

Vitamin E Supplements

Toxicity of Vitamin E


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