
Ut Car ( Cranberry Extract)

Posted by Blog Friday, February 11, 2011

Antimicrobial Resistance in UTI
"Clinical Management of UTI is complicated by the increasing incidence of infection caused by strains of E.coli that are resistant to commonly used anti microbial agents."
Ut Care Proanthocyanidins (PACs)
Unique Antimicrobial Properties
Alter E.Coli's cell membrane.
Prevent the bacteria from making contact with cells or attaching to them even if they some how manage to get close enough.
Change the shape of E.coli from rods to spheres. 
Disrupt bacterial communication.
"This double blind study shows that cranberry supplementation (UtCare) can provide a degree of protection against adhesion to epithelial bladder cells by various E.coli strains. This protective effect is independent from antibiotic resistance and the type P pili genetic determinants presence."
Minimize the use of antibiotics
"Cranberry extract (UtCare) provides an alternative tool for prevention of urinary tract infection that could result in decreased use of antimicrobials."
BMJ volume 322 June 2001
"Use of Cranberry
(UtCare) as an alternative strategy to prevent UTIs and potentially reduce the rate of antibiotic resistance."
Prevents Recurrence of UTI
Cranberry (UtCare) is more effective in preventing UTIs in women studied. Forty percent fewer women experienced UTIs when receiving cranberry ( tCare) vs.placebo. On average had half the number of UTIs. Antibiotic use was less in the cranberry ( fCare) group vs. placebo. The researcher recommended that cranberry ( [Care ) De offered as an option in the management of recurrent UTIs.
Cranberry (UtCare) reduced the recurrence of UTIs by about half, in women studied.
One hundred fifty women who have had at least one UTI in their lifetime with the median age of 30 were used in this study. This adds to the body of research supporting cranberry's preventative role with these infections.
A better option in the management of UTI
Zero Chances of Sore throat as with Sachets. Zero Antimicrobial Resistance. Zero Drug and food interaction.
Excellent antimicrobial character so decreasing antibiotic use. Minimize UTI recurrence.
Make urine less acidic and promote diuresis with Economical Price.
Dosage & Administration:
One to Two Capsule daily or as directed by Physician.


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